Sunday, September 25, 2011

stressful sunday

hey friends!
tis the end of the weekend AGAIN. argh.
dont they just go by way TOO quickly?
it's like it was friday at 4:00pm and i was running out of work....
and bam. it's sunday at 8:30pm.
i am sooo stressed out.
i have a 6 page paper due at 11:59 mountain time.
(uh, yeah, princess #1 and i had to google to see what time exactly that would be in EST.)
what did we all do before google???
no. really.

so here i sit.
pondering. listening to the fluff nugget chew a squeaky toy.....debating about
starting the paper. well, i HAVE started it. i just am stuck.
i know. this is coming from a girl who NEVER is short or at a loss for words.

sooooo anyway, i am stressed over my job. i am stressed over my school.
i am stressed over my life. (well, LOL. that's just standard around here!!)

what do you do to handle stress?
a massage?
a bubble bath?
maybe a relaxing run?

i honestly do not have time for ANY of those, but when i am done, or tomorrow....
whichever comes first, you can bet your sweet doopa. (yes, doopa)
i will be doing something way relaxing!!!

here's a few things that make me smile on this sunday....
(remember i used to do those way back when....7 smiles on sunday....when my
life was BORING and MUNDANE!

so here ya go sweeties~
enjoy and keep smiling.

Crescent rolls, cream cheese, butter and cinnamon.

this is sssseeerrriously the most decadent dessert. and easy.
i will post this soon. cuz. you. have. to. make. ASAP.
cinnamon, crescent rolls and sweet cream cheese. hollar.


well, i mean how uber suuuhhhweeettt are these little nuggets? i want to breed k dawg with a
chocolate lab. lol. that will never happen...but just sayin....


ohhhh emmm geeee. say adorable. just say it.

Pumpkin Pie Milkshakes - milkshake and alcohol?

um. pumpkin pie milk shakes?!? like seriously. who the H comes up with this shiznit??


some day.....maybe.....if i am lucky......

One of the best books I've read!

who has read or seen the movie?? i want to. no time to read right now, but would love to watch!

and lastly, the final 7 smileys:

funfetti cheesecake pops

cheesecake pops. ohhh heaven. i love cheesecake...on a stick? heyyyyyy!!

have a wonderful start to your week friends,
love your stinky hearts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog from Jess of SSH and I love it! And this post made me happy, not only because there were food and sparkles involved. But especially because you mentioned the Help. And can I just take a moment to try to convince you to read the book before you see the movie? I have yet to see the movie (hopefully soon), but you HAVE to read the book! It quickly became my absolute favorite book. If you are too busy, download the audiobook from your library and listen to it on your way to work or during workouts. So worth it! You will laugh, cry, be in suspense, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Just sayin' - End of PSA- Look forward to reading more of your posts :)